Netlify vs Github Pages

October 12, 2022


When it comes to hosting your website, there are many options available in the market. Two such popular options are Netlify and Github Pages. Both of these platforms offer website hosting for free and have their pros and cons. In this post, we will provide you with a factual comparison of Netlify vs Github Pages.

Ease of Use

Both Netlify and Github Pages offer an easy way to host your website. However, Netlify provides a more user-friendly experience. Netlify has a more modern and intuitive user interface, making it easier for users to navigate and manage their sites.

On the other hand, Github Pages can be challenging for beginners. The process of setting up a Github Pages site involves more steps, and it requires the user to have some technical knowledge.


Netlify and Github Pages both offer a high degree of customization options for your website. Github Pages allows users to host their websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Netlify, on the other hand, offers more flexibility, as it supports additional languages like Ruby, Python, and Go. Netlify also provides a serverless backend which makes it easier to deploy websites with dynamic content.


When it comes to website performance, both Netlify and Github Pages offer fast load times. However, according to a recent study by G2, Netlify outperforms Github Pages in terms of speed and reliability.

According to the study, Netlify's load time for static websites is around 0.4 seconds, whereas Github Pages takes around 0.9 seconds. Netlify also has a higher uptime of around 99.99%, while Github Pages has an uptime of around 99.9%.


One of the significant advantages of both Netlify and Github Pages is that they are free to use. However, Netlify offers more flexibility in its pricing plans.

Netlify offers a variety of paid plans that allow you to access additional features like password protection, SSL certificates, and more.

Github Pages does not have any paid plans, so users are limited to the features provided in the free plan.


Overall, both Netlify and Github Pages are excellent options for website hosting. However, if you prioritize ease of use and website speed, we recommend going with Netlify.

If your website only requires simple customization and you have some technical knowledge, Github Pages is also a great option.


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